Medici is a show about a famous Italian family which served as bankers of the Pope during Renaissance Florence. Each season follows the family through...
Gretel and Hansel is an American horror film based on a German fork lore tale titled Hansel and Gretel. Oz Perkins co-wrote and directed the...
The Arrowverse season is upon us with the show that started it all returning for the eighth and final season. It will be an emotional...
Ever wondered how good you need to be on earth to have a joyous and peaceful afterlife? The Good Place might have the answer to...
The Carmen Sandiego story started in 1985, and in 2019, it landed on Netflix. Carmen Sandiego was initially a video game character coined by Broderbund....
I think we can all agree that Saul Goodman is one hell of a lawyer. He deals with some dangerous people, but he always comes...
Altered Carbon is a refreshing breath of fresh air in the oversaturated sci-fi genre. Season 1 was based on Richard Morgan’s book with the same...
It’s almost time for Carrie Mathison to head into hell for one last time. We are not certain of where that hell is, and we...
Sex Education is a show about a socially awkward teen that takes a shot at popularity by offering sex advice to his schoolmates. How would a...