Narvik hit the top spot on Netflix days after the release of the Norwegian film. The movie chronicles the disruption of life in a tiny Norwegian town – Narvik – by feuding foreign nations. Members of...
Trap, the latest M. Night Shyamalan creation, chronicles a sting operation targeting what appears to be a normal dad enjoying a concert with his daughter....
Colton Harris Moore, famously known as the Barefoot Bandit, embarked on a crime spree during his teenage years that would impress the most notorious criminals....
Co-founder of online ticketing company Fandango, J. Michael Cline, died recently after falling from the 20th floor of a New York hotel. He reportedly left...
Whitney Alford, Kendrick Lamar’s fiance, mostly kept a low profile until the MC released his latest album, Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers. Alford, alongside...
As seen in Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal, Noel Biderman used his wife, Ashley Biderman, to market Ashley Madison, an online dating platform that promoted...
Lolo Wood’s career has grown in leaps and bounds since her breakout role as a Wild ‘N’ Out girl. Her fame skyrocketed during her relationship with NFL...
The shocking story of Kendra Licari’s online abuse of her daughter plays out in Lifetime’s Mommy Meanest. Licari, a kids’ basketball coach, reportedly sent thousands of ‘demeaning...
Akasha Thompson has been trending for a while now on TikTok. Despite the concerning nature of her case, news outlets haven’t covered her story. Therefore,...
Sofia Boutella said she struggled to process the negative reviews Rebel Moon received when it premiered on Netflix. “I always thought that I was fully armed to take...
Momma is a short film that tells its story not through words but through the sheer brilliance of Maceo Smedley’s performance. Smedley plays nine-year-old Darius, a...
One of the toughest watches on Netflix is Baby Reindeer, a story about a bartender ensnared and terrorized by an insistent stalker. Netflix announces early on...
Kristel Candelario will spend the rest of her life in prison after pleading guilty to aggravated murder and child endangering. Candelario’s 16-month-old child, Jailyn, died...
Akira Toriyama, the manga artist behind popular series like Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball, died of a subdural hematoma on March 1, 2024. The press release announcing Akira’s...
The Bachelor fans weren’t happy with Maria Georgas’s elimination from season 28 of the show. Though she faced accusations of bullying and used tactics that...