Ever since You dropped in 2018, it has garnered a massive fan base from all around the world. Penn Badgley’s performance as a stalker named Joe is...
Siesta Key is a reality show that follows a bunch of rich young adults as they live out their days on the island of Siesta...
Prodigal Son is a Fox series that is centered on a psychopathic dad and a determined son who wants to find the killer that is...
American Gods is based on the premise that each immigrating community in America came with their gods. Shadow (Ricky Whittle) becomes embroiled in a war between...
Dark humor is proving to be the way to go for most comedy producers these days. The genre brings something interesting and thrilling to comedy...
Insatiable is a teen comedy drama that follows the experiences of Patty Bladell in high school. Patty is continually bullied because of her weight. She eventually...
After Breaking Bad ended, we couldn’t imagine that there would be another show better or even at par with the hit series. However, Vince Gilligan proved us wrong...
On June 16, 2019, Euphoria, a provocative and controversial new television premiered on HBO. This show purports to depict the lives of at least some...
If you like The Blacklist, there is good news. It was renewed for a seventh season, which will premiere on October 4, 2019, on NBC....