Angel Has Fallen is the third film in the Fallen franchise. It was released in 2019 following the 2013 film Olympus Has Fallen and 2016’s...
Fauda is an Israeli political series that focuses on the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The show is loosely based on the experiences of the...
Caliphate is a new Netflix series that touches on terrorism and radicalization. The Swedish series was created by Wilhelm Behrman and Nikolas Rockstrom. The idea came...
Spider-Man is perhaps the most loved Marvel superhero. Peter Parker’s story has spanned generations, and we have seen Spider-Man evolve over the years. The recent...
I Still Believe is a deeply romantic and emotional 2020 film starring KJ Apa and Britt Robertson. The film is based on the life of Christian...
Well-Intended Love is a Chinese show that wowed audiences when it was released in early 2019. The show gained popularity thanks to an engaging storyline...
Contagion is an acclaimed 2011 medical thriller that featured stars such as Jude Law, Matt Damon, and Kate Winslet. The film was directed by Steven Soderbergh,...
Films and shows that revolve around drug cartels are very fun to watch. Drug-related shows like Narcos and Breaking Bad are some of the world’s highest-rated shows. You can...
Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots is an attempt by the streaming platform to diversify its content as much as possible as it prepares for an...