Contagion is an acclaimed 2011 medical thriller that featured stars such as Jude Law, Matt Damon, and Kate Winslet. The film was directed by Steven Soderbergh, and it concerned the spread of a virus that was transmitted by fomites. The spread of the disease caused chaos, as researchers and public health officers struggled to contain and find a vaccine for the virus.

Contagion featured several independent plot lines that came together to make the film. The medical thriller film was inspired by the 2003 SARS epidemic and the 2009 flu epidemic. Contagion was well received by fans and critics, and you might be wondering whether it is available on Netflix. This article will let you in on where you can stream Contagion.

Is Contagion streaming on Netflix?

Contagion is currently available on Netflix in Canada, Israel, Japan, and Lithuania. The film was added to Netflix in these regions in late 2019, and we suspect that it will appear in other regions soon.

However, we do not expect that Contagion will appear on Netflix US. The reason for this is that the film’s distribution rights lie with Warner Bros. Pictures.

Warner Bros. plans to roll out its streaming service, HBO Max, in May 2020. It’s highly unlikely that Warner Bros. will hand streaming rights to a direct rival of its streaming service.

Where is Contagion available for streaming?

Contagion is currently available for streaming on Hulu via the Cinemax add-on.

We also expect that Contagion will be available for streaming on HBO Max once the streaming service launches in May 2020. HBO Max is expected to have more than 10,000 hours of content when it launches.

Similar Films on Netflix

Thankfully there are several medical-related films on Netflix that you can watch.

Take Your Pills: This documentary by Alison Klayman provides a candid look as to how pills define our lives. It looks at common drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin, and it shows how they have seamlessly slotted into our lives. Take Your Pills is about truth rather than judgment, and that makes it a great watch.

Dallas Buyers Club: This film focuses on the turbulent period during which HIV started spreading. It tells the story of a junkie cowboy who changes his perspective on life after contracting HIV. He ditches his party lifestyle and commits his life to sourcing drugs for people infected with HIV. He becomes very successful and forms a ‘Buyers’ Club’ to distribute medicine to HIV patients.