Over a career spanning seven decades, Maggie Smith has appeared in countless productions and collected innumerable awards. Smith represents British acting royalty and has sealed...
Jimmy Hayes, a former NHL player for the Chicago Blackhawks, passed away on 23rd August 2021. Hayes lined up as a right-winger 334 times in...
Guru Jagat, Sanskrit for Bringer of Light to the Universe, was famous for her understanding of ancient Kundalini yoga. Jagat founded the RA MA Institute...
Chris Chan is the creator behind the web series titled Sonichu. Chan, whose full name on Facebook is Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, blended Sonic the...
Brigitte Bardot is an animal rights activist who gained fame as an actress and sex symbol in the late 50s and 1960s. Bardot mesmerized with...
Billie Holiday (real name Eleanora Fagan) is one of the most celebrated jazz and swing music singers of all time. Through her jazz-inspired vocal style,...
Aiden Fucci is the 14-year-old who’s been charged with the murder of his 13-year-old schoolmate Tristyn Bailey. Tristyn and Fucci were both students at Patriot...
Raquel Welch is one of the most recognizable stars of the 90s. Born Jo Raquel Tejada, the California native first gained attention for her role...
Amanda, a recovering drug addict featured in Mark Laita’s YouTube series Soft White Underbelly, passed away on 9th May 2021. A resident of Los Angeles’...