The Bold Type is an American comedy-drama featuring three women trying to scale up the ladder at a fictional New York publication called Scarlet. The...
A Teacher is an American television miniseries based on a 2013 film with the same name. Nick Robinson and Kate Mara explore the complexities of a...
HBO’s Lovecraft Country is a ground-breaking series that offers an exhilarating story of victory in the face of racial adversity and supernatural horror. Inspired by Matt Ruff’s...
The third and final series of Dark recently aired on Netflix, and it has left us devastated and confused in equal measure. Dark is one of the best shows...
Waco is an American miniseries that explores the 1993 standoff between authorities and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. It’s a story with no winners; 80...
You probably feel like you’ve watched everything interesting on Netflix. The quarantine period has been going on for a while now, and Netflix might start...
Fleabag – a series about a sex-obsessed English woman – was one of the most popular shows of 2019. The show followed Fleabag as she...
The Karate Kid remains one of the most iconic movies ever made. It holds a special place in the hearts of many, and when it...
I Am Not Okay with This is a new Netflix show that has everyone talking. The show is based on a teenage girl, Sydney, who...