It Chapter Two is a sequel to the first movie in the series, It Chapter One. In the first film, a group of children form...
Joker tells the story of how Batman’s greatest nemesis came to be. Arthur Fleck lives in Gotham City with his mom. In 1981, Gotham was not...
The World Wars represent times in human history that portrayed humanity at its worst. Stories of terror from those wars continue to be told to...
Who ever thought that a Nazi movie would be funny? The answer to that is director, Taika Waititi, who has managed to come up with...
One Punch Man is one of the most popular anime shows on Netflix. The series follows the story of Saitama, a hero from the metropolis...
Midsommar represented another feather in the cap for upcoming writer and director Ari Aster. The film featured Oscar nominee Florence Pugh alongside Will Poulter, Jack...
Toy Story 4 represents the fourth instalment of the Toy Story series. Toy Story 4 picks up a few years after the events in Toy...
Euphoria is an American teen drama television series loosely based on an Israeli television series with the same name. It follows a group of high...
Harriet is a biopic that was created to tell Harriet Tubman’s story. As a result of severe beatings, Harriet suffered a head injury that brought...