Overcomer is a Christian drama movie that was produced in part by Kendrick Brothers Productions. Kendrick Brothers is a company dedicated to spreading the Christian...
After is a romantic drama that came out in theaters on April 12, 2019, in the United States. This movie is based on an adult...
Dora from Dora the Explorer is now a teenager in high school, and she is the main character in the new film, Dora and the...
A boy with Down’s Syndrome runs away from a nursing home to follow his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. This is the premise behind...
The movie, The Art of Racing in the Rain, is based on the 2008 best-selling novel by the same name that was written by Garth...
The Farewell is based on a story that was originally told on the radio program, This American Life. It is a comedy-drama which was written...
Summer Night is a coming-of-age romantic comedy that came out in theaters on July 12, 2019. It was directed by Joseph Cross, and this film...
On July 12, 2019, a new film in the disaster horror genre will be coming out in theatres by the name of Crawl. Crawl was...
Rocketman came out in theaters in the United Kingdom on May 22, 2019, and in the United States on May 31, 2019. It is a...