Kurulus: Osman is an epic historical fiction series that focuses on the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman I. It is the sequel to Dirilis:...
SpongeBob SquarePants is one of the most popular Nickelodeon shows. The series first aired in 1999 and it has gone on to receive widespread fan...
The King of Staten Island is a dramedy film that tells the tale of comedian Pete Davidson if he hadn’t found comedy in his teen years....
Cowboy Bebop is a Japanese science fiction series that was initially released in the late 1990s. The show followed the lives of a group of bounty...
One Day at a Time is a sitcom based on Norman Lear’s late 70s and early 80s show with the same name. The multi-camera show revolves...
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a television series developed by Lauren Faust based on the popular Hasbro’s My Little Pony line of toys. The...
Hyperdrive can best be described as American Ninja Warrior on wheels. The non-scripted motor racing Netflix show features drivers in all manner of cars completing...
It’s been two years since we saw the last episode of Rick and Morty. When the sci-fi comedy series first aired, nobody knew that it...
Queen of the South is an American crime series that airs on the USA network. The series is an adaptation of the telenovela Le Reina...