What Lies Below is a mystery horror movie initially released via VOD in 2020 before it came to Netflix in April 2021. Within four days, the...
The Chosen, a series about the life of Jesus Christ, is billed as the largest crowd-funded media project ever. The series tells the story of...
Madame Claude is a new biopic based on sex work in 1960s Paris, run by mythical pimp Madame Claude. Born Fernande Grudet, Madame Claude revolutionized sex...
Seaspiracy is a new Netflix series detailing the environmental impact of fishing. The documentary was created by the same team that created the eye-opening 2014 documentary Cowspiracy:...
Raya and the Last Dragon is an American animation film set to be released theatrically in the United States on 5th March 2021. The film...
Boogie is a film about a basketball prodigy looking to earn a scholarship to an elite college and eventually make it to the NBA. Alfred...
Nomadland is a 2020 neo-Western drama based on Jessica Bruder’s 2017 non-fiction book Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century. The film premiered on 11th...
Minari is a semi-autobiographical comedy-drama film based on Lee Isaac Chung’s life. Lee Isaac wrote and directed the successful 2020 film. Production started in mid-2019,...
American Skin is a film by Nate Parker that premiered at the Venice Film Festival in early September 2019. It was released by Vertical Entertainment...