Joanne Woodward’s romance with Paul Newman appeared plucked from a Hollywood script, yet its longevity shamed the quintessential, short Hollywood relationships. HBO Max’s upcoming The Last...
The Oregon Ducks are mourning the tragic death of talented tight-end Spencer Webb. Authorities suspect that Webb slipped and struck his head on rock slides...
Baby videos can be the perfect social media cleanser considering the vile content people post on some platforms. For fans of adorable toddlers, Wren Eleanor’s...
The world found out about Elon Musk’s twins after their mother, Shivon Zilis, filed court documents in Texas, asking the court to change the children’s...
Chris Pincher’s resignation following accusations that he drunkenly groped two men at a late June 2022 party sparked the beginning of the end for beleaguered...
Hazel Stewart stood in another room as her lover Colin Howell murdered her husband, Trevor Buchanan. Colin has already murdered his wife, Lesley Howell. Hazel...
Many decades ago, Richard Gere helped Anderson Cooper discover his sexuality. During a Broadway production of Bent, the 11-year-old Cooper couldn’t help but stare at Gere’s...