The Trifecta Love is a social media throuple that is unapologetically enjoying their polyamorous relationship online. Paoulo Quispilaya, his wife Kassandra Diaz-Cervo, and their partner Carly Martinez are known as The Trifecta Love online. The trio has been posting on YouTube and Instagram for a while, but they blew up after joining TikTok.
The Trifecta Love currently has 904K followers on TikTok, and they post all kinds of videos on their channel. The trio is unique, and many people are interested in learning the dynamics of their relationship. This article will look at how the trio met, how their families took to their relationship, how the throuple keeps the relationship strong, and their plans for the future.
Paoulo and Kassandra were already married before they met Carly

Paoulo and Kassandra were in a long-term relationship before they met Carly. Kassandra felt an attraction to Carly, but the couple didn’t start a relationship. A couple of months later, Carly felt an attraction to Paolo, and the trio realized that there was something between them. The Trifecta then decided to start a relationship. According to The Sun, Kassandra said:
“It just happened. We were unsure of what it was. We tried not pursuing it and suppressing our feelings because we have been taught that there’s no such thing as loving two people at once. We researched it and found that there was a community and a word for it: polyamory. We decided to just do it and not be held back by social conditioning.”
The trio started a relationship in February 2018, and initially, it was a long-distance relationship. Carly moved in with the married pair in April 2018, and they were all happy with the relationship. However, all of them had reservations about the relationship. Paoulo didn’t know how the new relationship would affect his marriage to Kassandra.
Carly feared that she would feel left out considering that Paoulo and Diaz had been in a relationship for much longer. In the end, however, the love they had for each other triumphed. Kassandra stated in a Q&A video posted in December 2019:
“If you think about it, like I love my mom, my dad, I love my siblings. So I don’t feel like I don’t have enough room for love. I don’t feel that way, but it can be emotionally draining, not necessarily in the love side of things but in the maintenance of the emotional relationship that we have with each other.”
The trio’s families are still coming to terms with their relationship

The trio’s families were initially shocked about the relationship, and there was some initial resentment from members of their families. Paoulo’s mom was against his new relationship because she had a mental picture of how he was supposed to live. However, with time, Paoulo’s mom grew closer to Carly, and they now have a good understanding. Paoulo’s other family members seem to be okay with The Trifecta.
Carly’s mom was totally against the relationship, but she is gradually coming to terms with her decision. Most of her other family members accept her relationship, but there are still some who need convincing. Kassandra’s family probably took her new relationship harder than the others’ families. She comes from a religious background, and most of her family members still don’t agree with the relationship. She said in the Q&A video:
“It’s just been an interesting journey and it wasn’t easy telling them. It really wasn’t easy dealing with the people who didn’t wanna support us, you know? So it’s been rough…”
Transparency and communication are the pillars of the trio’s relationship

Being in a couple can be difficult, and from the outside, you might think that it’s tougher being in a trio. At first, it was difficult for the Trifecta to manage being in such a relationship. Living together also brought a unique set of challenges. However, the trio has found a way to keep their relationship healthy.
Their secret is that they don’t bottle up issues. They are transparent with each other, and it helps them deal with issues before they blow out of proportion. Paoulo explained in the Q&A video:
“It comes to a point where we are really being more vulnerable with each other. We’re pressing into being more transparent, being honest with each other, and that helping us kind of unwind these things that can kinda build up and can kinda add more stress to the relationship. But like they said, we just communicate a whole lot. Sometimes we drop the ball and that’s okay cause we get back at it.”
Forgiveness is also a big part of the Trifecta’s relationship. The trio posted an Instagram photo on 27th November 2019 and added the caption:
“Like any relationship Trifecta troops our poly relationship has had its ups & downs but, what has remained present in those moments has been ‘FORGIVENESS’. In fact we’re now beginning to see this virtue, this trait, grow deep roots into our hearts and bearing way more fruit then we could’ve ever imagined.”
The trio is still learning how to manage jealousy

Jealousy was always going to be an issue in the relationship. The trio admitted in the Q&A video that jealousy is a part of the relationship, but they choose to see it as constructive jealousy. They also revealed that the jealousy has sometimes gotten to toxic levels, but so far, they have managed to deal with it.
However, it gets much more complicated when it comes to intimacy. Managing jealousy in the bedroom is something that the trio is still working on. Carly stated in a podcast titled How We Balance Intimacy In the Bedroom:
“We are still trying to navigate that. We still like have our challenges when it comes to intimacy. It is getting easier obviously as time goes. It’s getting better and we are figuring things out, but it’s still not perfect.”
It took some time for The Trifecta Love to get used to the stares

Polyamorous relationships are not common, and the trio knew that they had to endure stares from people. The stares started as the trio celebrated their relationship on Valentine’s Day in 2019. Carly stated in the Q&A video:
“It was definitely uncomfortable at first to like get those stares. The first time that we held hands in public, the three of us was like so uncomfortable. There was a lot of that… “
However, with time, the trio got used to the stares, and they don’t feel uncomfortable any more. They stated that it’s like they live in their own world. It’s gotten so comfortable that they can kiss each other in public without worrying about who is looking and what people will say. The Trifecta has also come across people who publicly endorse their relationship, and it has helped them cope with a mostly judgmental world.
The trio is open to having children in the future

Kassandra and Paoulo were open to having children, and their plans didn’t change after meeting Carly. According to The Sun, Paoulo said:
“We definitely will raise children together. I love my mom, I love my brother and I love my dad – our hearts are capable of loving more than one person at the same time. It’s not for everyone, but if you are meant to be in a polyamorous relationship, things will naturally fall into place.”
In the Q&A video, the trio stated that they plan on having children, but something significant might happen before they do so. Paoulo and Kassandra might be planning to propose to Carly. Kassandra stated in the video that she doesn’t want Carly to know when the proposal is coming:
“I’m not gonna answer it cause I don’t want you to know if it’s coming before or after. Also, we just don’t know if we’ll accidentally get pregnant. That scares me.”
An engagement announcement might be coming soon from The Trifecta Love.