Kawana Jenkins’ romance with an inmate was exposed following a shakedown of the maximum security wing of the Fulton County Jail. Jenkins, a detention officer with Fulton County Sheriff’s Office since December 2019, was fired and detained. 

The shakedown netted eleven cell phones and weapons. In one of the phones, investigators found a video of Jenkins sitting on an inmate’s lap and kissing him. A clip of Jenkins licking the inmate’s finger in a sexually suggestive manner has gone viral on social media. 

Kawana Jenkins’ marital status is unclear; we suspect she isn’t married

Kawana Jenkins’ personal life is a mystery. We suspect she isn’t married based on her lewd interactions with an inmate. 

Authorities have charged Jenkins with, among others, violation of oath by a public officer, reckless conduct, cruelty to inmates, and improper sexual contact by an employee. We should learn more about Jenkin’s personal life if her case goes to trial. 

Sheriff Pat Labat released the following statement: “As Sheriff of Fulton County, I am committed to transparency and to holding each and every employee accountable to [the] oath they have taken to protect and serve our community.”

“The actions of this one individual are certainly not a reflection of the men and women of the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office. The vast majority of employees are to be commended for their integrity, commitment to service and the work they do day in and day out.”