Long Shot is a romantic comedy about an unemployed journalist, Fred Flarsky, who is played by Seth Rogen. Flarsky begins to spend time with his former babysitter, Charlotte Field, who is played by Charlize Theron. Charlotte Field is the U.S. Secretary of State, and she is running for president.
Long Shot is not currently streaming on Netflix.
Long Shot came out in theaters on May 3, 2019, and it was released by Summit Entertainment. This movie was written by Dan Sterling and Liz Hannah, and it was directed by Jonathan Levine. Before its release on May 3, Long Shot premiered at the South by Southwest Festival on March 9, 2019.
In this movie, Fred unexpectedly reconnects with Charlotte, who was not only his former babysitter but his childhood crush as well. As they interact, Charlotte decides to hire him as her speechwriter. The two find that they have a great deal of chemistry with each other, and this leads to a romance filled with travel, danger, and adventure.
In addition to Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron, Long Shot also stars O’Shea Jackson Jr., Andy Serkis, June Diane Raphael, Bob Odenkirk, and Alexander Skarsgård.
On its opening night, Long Shot had earned $3.6 million. Of that total, $660,000 was from its Thursday night previews. As of May 4, 2019, it has earned $10 million in the U.S. and Canada and $3.3 million in other worldwide venues. It finished 3rd at the box office in its debut.
Long Shot has received mostly favorable reviews. This movie’s aggregate rating on Rotten Tomatoes is currently 83%. Most reviewers enjoyed the comedic elements and the chemistry between Fred and Charlotte.
Will Long Shot Be Coming to Netflix? Where to Stream and Watch
Unfortunately, Long Shot will not be coming to Netflix in the foreseeable future.
Long Shot was distributed by Summit Entertainment, and Summit Entertainment has an exclusive contract with Netflix’s arch-rival HBO for streaming rights for its new films. This was a 5-year contract that went from 2013 to 2018, but it has been renewed until 2022. It is possible that after that time, Long Shot could come to Netflix, but that is over 3 years from now.
At present, the release date of Long Shot on HBO has not been announced.
There is a movie called Long Shot on Netflix right now, but that is a completely different film. The Long Shot that is on Netflix was released in 2017, and it is a true-life crime documentary.
There are several other shows that may be of interest that are available to stream on Netflix right now, however. Some of these shows are:
- Legally Blonde and Legally Blonde 2 – a feel-good romantic comedy about a Valley girl who goes to Harvard Law School.
- Madam Secretary – a TV drama about a highly capable woman who becomes secretary of state. The first four seasons are currently available for streaming on Netflix.
- The West Wing – a political epic series that chronicles the administration of the fictional President Josiah Bartlett. There are currently 7 seasons available for streaming on Netflix.