In Netflix’s Fool Me Once, a grieving widow, Maya, stumbles onto nanny-cam footage of her supposedly dead husband breaking into their home. The recording thrust Maya...
Nowhere, a film about survival in deplorable conditions, has gone viral on Netflix. “Fleeing a totalitarian country, pregnant Mia (Anna Castillo) must fight for her life...
In Netflix’s Triptych, Rebecca, a forensics agent, comes across a victim named Aleida while collecting a sample. At first, it seems like an ordinary crime scene....
Narvik hit the top spot on Netflix days after the release of the Norwegian film. The movie chronicles the disruption of life in a tiny Norwegian...
Netflix’s Bank of Dave tells the true story of Burnley millionaire Dave Fishwick and his efforts to provide fair financial assistance to local people. Fishwick, who built...
Many productions and publications have covered the 1948 expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland by Israeli forces – none have done it like Farha. The film looks...
Nevermore Academy’s exterior looks tell you all you need to know about the people it harbors – outcasts like Wednesday Addams come to the school...
Abductors in productions and in real life are often poverty-stricken criminals looking for quick and easy ransom money. Affluent people rarely engage in abductions; they...
The Chalk Line has become a major hit on Netflix as viewers marvel at the change in the fortunes of a young girl named Clara. Paula...