Netflix’s The Deliverance tells the story about a family that experiences troubling supernatural phenomena at their new rental home in Gary, Indiana. Desperate to rid...
Bryce Dudal’s shot to fame in 2018 after a video of him playing the piano at a pizza customer’s house went viral. After delivering pizza...
Colton Harris Moore, famously known as the Barefoot Bandit, embarked on a crime spree during his teenage years that would impress the most notorious criminals....
Ciara Estrada was a famous police officer who went viral for her humanity when she was called to investigate a homeless man. However, her death...
Episode 2 of Homicide: New York looks at the murder of Michael McMorrow and the two teenagers found responsible for the brutal slaying: Daphne Abdela and Christopher...
In March 2023, a jury found Annette Harvey guilty of first-degree murder by premeditation, first-degree murder during the commission of a felony, and especially aggravated...
In the final episode of Griselda on Netflix, Griselda Blanco (played by Sofia Vergara) learns that her eldest sons are dead, leaving behind young Michael Corleone Blanco,...
Keith Gill was the principal player in the Wall Street saga that raised GameStop stock from under $3 to as high as $483. Gill and...
Michael Stein, Britney Spears’ dance captain on her Piece of Me tour, died on December 23, 2023. Stein’s partner, Kaylie Lee, announced the news on what would...