Raya and the Last Dragon is an American animation film set to be released theatrically in the United States on 5th March 2021. The film is set in the world of Kumandra, where humans and dragons once co-existed in harmony. However, after sinister monsters known as the Drunn attacked, the dragons sacrificed themselves to guarantee the survival of the humans.
Unfortunately, the Drunn attack again after 500 years. Humanities hope lies in Raya’s search for the last remaining dragon. On her journey, Raya will learn that it will take much more than dragon magic to save humanity from extinction.
Will Raya and the Last Dragon come to Netflix?
Raya and the Last Dragon will not come to Netflix.
The film’s distribution rights lie with Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures. Walt Disney Studios owns Disney+, a direct competitor of Netflix. It is therefore unlikely that Disney Studios will hand streaming rights to Netflix.
It is also expected that Disney will remove its films on Netflix soon.
Where will Raya and the Last Dragon be available for streaming?
Upon its release, Raya and the Last Dragon will be available in theatres and on Disney+ via Premier Access.
Premier Access allows Disney+ subscribers early access to a film for $30. The film will remain available on the user’s catalog for as long as they remain a subscriber. Disney has made the film available on Disney+ as a huge number of theatres around the world remain closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Disney+ users who don’t want to purchase the film will have to wait until the film becomes available for streaming.
There is a likelihood that Raya and the Last Dragon will appear on Hulu. Disney owns a stake in the Hulu and is set to take full control of the platform in 2024.