Netflix’s The Deliverance tells the story about a family that experiences troubling supernatural phenomena at their new rental home in Gary, Indiana. Desperate to rid themselves of the evil in their home, the family resorts to exorcisms. Remarkably, the production is based on true events that plagued Latoya Ammons’ family.

Latoya Ammons lives a private life following the publication of her story in 2014

After the publication of her story by the Indy Star in 2014, Latoya Ammons retreated from the limelight. She regained custody of her children and resumed life ‘without fear’, she told the publication. 

The film’s director Lee Daniels confirmed that Ammons is alive and well. Daniels told The Hollywood Reporter: “It’s my interpretation of her life story. I purposely didn’t want to meet her because I was nervous. But I spoke to her… And she’s lovely. She was at peace.”