Sophia Loren’s latest appearance came in the 2020 Netflix film The Life Ahead, in which she played Madame Rosa. In her first film role in a decade, Loren showed that even in old age, she retained her prodigious talent. 

It’s been over sixty years since Loren launched her incredible career, and, as we’ll detail below, her love for acting still burns bright. 

Sophia Loren lives in Switzerland and is open to specific acting projects

Sophia Loren is alive and lives in Switzerland. The 88-year-old’s priority is spending time with family, but she’s still open to acting roles. However, she has become a lot more choosy about the roles she chooses. 

“That’s why I didn’t work for almost 10 years,” Loren talked to The New York Times about her decision to star in The Life Ahead. “I wanted to find a role that really inspired and challenged me.”

Loren told the outlet that she slowed her acting career because family became a bigger priority. She explained: “At the time, I asked myself, ‘What do you want from life, Sophia?’ I said, ‘I want a nice family,’ which I had. ‘I want two children,’ which I had.”

Loren’s gradual retreat from acting ended up becoming a pseudo-retirement. She continued: “I really surprised myself by saying, ‘Sophia, it’s better you stop acting for now, and catch up later.’ I stopped making films for a long time but was very happy because I saw my children grow up, get married and have their own children.”

Her children and grandchildren live far away, but she catches up with them regularly. “My two sons each have two kids, but I’m far away [in Geneva, Switzerland], so we talk on the phone, send pictures,” Loren told AARP

Loren told the outlet that though she’s in her 80s, she feels 20. She credited ‘aging naturally’ as something that brings her inner peace and joy. 

“When I look in the mirror,” Loren said, “I cheer for myself. I don’t ask, ‘Are you great?’ or ‘Are you beautiful?’ No! It’s how I feel inside, how secure I am, how happy I am. That’s what matters.”